Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Wish

I am not good at New Year's Resolutions because I feel as though they are always something that you give up on and then you just feel like a big failure. So, instead of listing out things that I am going to do. I am going to list out things that I wish to do. I will try my hardest to do them, but understand that I am human, and I will fail.

1. Focus more on my circle of influence rather then my circle of concern. For those who have not gone through Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, this means I am going to really focus on the things in my life that I have direct influence on and not get stressed out or upset about things that I can't control.

2. Not eat out as much. This will benefit me in many areas of my life. This will help with sticking to my budget better, as well as living a healthier life.

3. Understand that people don't always see life the way I see life.  I feel as though there is a lot of stress, or tension in our lives because I want everyone to live life the way I do. I need to come to the conclusion that some people just live life differently and that is completely ok.

4. Figure out what I am doing.

5. Throw out my planner for a week or two. Live life in the present, not planning my next move. I am starting with a week or two, because I dont see anything wrong with living life with a plan. But I do understand that not everyone has an itinerary for their days. Sometimes, especially on vacations, I need to just live in the present.

Those are things I am going to start with. My wish for 2012 is to become a better person. Living a healthier life. This includes physically, mentally, emotionally, finicially. Every aspect of my life can become healthier. Here goes!

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