Thursday, March 24, 2011

Makes you really think,,,

So I have a co-worker who's 27 year old wife was just diagnosed with cancer. She has made the decision to have a full mastectomy. Ive been reading her blog and reading how she has been dealing with this, the thoughts that have been going through her mind. My heart is breaking for this woman and for this family and it really makes you think about things.

This woman has 3 children, 2 of which are her own. She was facing the fact that she might not ever be able to have children again. That, breaks my heart as well. 

I am 24 years old. I have met the man I am going to spend the rest of my life with yet we havent had children yet. What would I do? What decision would I make? Take the chance of the cancer coming back in the future by leaving my ovaries in my body, or take my ovaries out. Wow. That puts a lot of things in perspective.

I guess I am thank-ful that it is not me in the situation, but my heart is breaking that someone else is in that situation. I hope that I am never been put in that situation, but understand that if I am, I have enough people around me that would support me through it and I am sure I would be forced to make the decisions that are best for my future, and the people in my life's future. 

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